Valentina Vargas nude - The Name Of The Rose (1986)

Valentina Vargas in nude scene from The Name Of The Rose which was released in 1986. She shows us her tits, butt and bush in sex scene.

Valentina Vargas nude - The Name Of The Rose (1986) Valentina Vargas nude - The Name Of The Rose (1986) Valentina Vargas nude - The Name Of The Rose (1986)

Actress: Valentina Vargas
Movies: The Name Of The Rose
Tags: topless, sex, butt, bush, nude


7 thought on “Valentina Vargas nude - The Name Of The Rose (1986)

  • Anonymous: 2 +1 -1


  • Soyhum: 5 +1 -1

    Beautiful wonderful

  • BehindTheScene: 18 +1 -1

    In reference to the sex scene between Valentina Vargas and Christian Slater, director Jean-Jacques Annaud said: "What interested me was not the moment of the act but it was the tenderness after the act. I had placed my cameras for 'the end' so I ask them to make a little connection with a kiss, then to have a moment of rest, where the bodies come off. And I start to turn, they kiss, and I tell them in a soft voice, I'm close to them, to now pull away. And nothing happens. I think then that they need a little more time, a minute later I tell them 'it's fine now we're going to stop', and it doesn't stop ... I say 'good!' in a louder voice, 'now it's good we're going to cut soon'. Nothing happens ... It's been 9'30 minutes, and there Valentina gets up, she sees that I'm there, discovers me in a certain way, she discovers the cameras and she says to me: 'Is it OK?' ... 'Valentina, I've been happy for ten minutes already.' (...) Nothing happened physically, but psychologically everything was there ... "

  • BehindTheScene: 12 +1 -1

    At 2:40 you can see Valentina Vargas putting a sort of patch on her vagina, to avoid direct contact with Christian Slater's penis. In an interview with Cosmopolitan, Slater said that during that scene he thought that "they were waiting for me to get an erection. They wanted to see the consummation. But there was no way. I couldn't perform while the camera was rolling."

  • Goat: 6 +1 -1

    Thanks 'behind the scenes' - the Cosmo interview was pay-walled off. I knew it was a myth that the sex was real. Although I remember Slater claiming on a UK talkshow that he'd lost his virginity in the scene - but he also said he lost his virginity earlier that year, so I would guess he was a virgin during and after this scene and was embarrassed, so made stuff up. He was 16 and she was 21, assuming it didn't take over a year to produce. So he wasn't an adult but past the age of consent, not that any sex happened.

  • BehindTheScene: 5 +1 -1

    Thank you @Goat, From the interviews and the patch Valentina puts up for protection, it is clear that: 1) The director had asked Christian to actually penetrate Valentina in the scene. 2) Valentina did not want to be penetrated (at least in front of the camera), so she took a patch and put it over her vagina. 3) Christian still could not get an erection that could make him complete the act. As for the myth of Slater losing his virginity, it could be that the two later had sex off set

  • softcore: 0 +1 -1

    So if it lasted almost 10 minutes, is this scene from the movie cut? I guess so.

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