the actors both married to other people, strenuously denied they had had sex. in fact the director produced an article to say so such was the disbelief of the American public,
In an interview with "The A.V. Club", Adam Scott said that his contract for this show went very specifically into what kind of and how much nudity he would have to show. He also said that while they were negotiating the contract, the show-runners wanted him to agree to full-frontal nudity, but when he balked at that, they created a prosthetic penis that he had to wear and his character's wife (played by 'Sonya Walger') had to handle. It was rigged to "ejaculate" by having a prop man hiding behind a couch to pump hair conditioner through it. (IMDb)
Beautiful woman, but never heard of her before. Hope to see mucho more...
the actors both married to other people, strenuously denied they had had sex. in fact the director produced an article to say so such was the disbelief of the American public,
She had a small recurring role on tv show Lost.
Those tits!
i think the cock is fake although the cum spurts looked real enough...she has got very nice tits though
She looks a bit like Jennifer Aniston but is not quite as good a fuck though.
wicked tit drop
Because I love Sonya walger
"it's not Penny boat" :)
Very sexy
Pass the cabasiya.
She starred as a cardboard box where she starred at anything into space.
Ok not bad
Desmond... bro...
I saw her in the film: "The Librarian: Quest for the Spear", with actor Noah Wyle.
Sponge boobs
One of my fav video! Love her face, tits, ass, infact everything!
In an interview with "The A.V. Club", Adam Scott said that his contract for this show went very specifically into what kind of and how much nudity he would have to show. He also said that while they were negotiating the contract, the show-runners wanted him to agree to full-frontal nudity, but when he balked at that, they created a prosthetic penis that he had to wear and his character's wife (played by 'Sonya Walger') had to handle. It was rigged to "ejaculate" by having a prop man hiding behind a couch to pump hair conditioner through it. (IMDb)
That side angled titty drop is one of the best I've ever seen. Gets me hard everytime!
Love Adam Scott, wish he could fuck me like that
cumed seeing her sweet tits , first time mine got erect for 19 cm