Simona Tabasco nude - The White Lotus s02e05 (2022)

Simona Tabasco is nude in the show “The White Lotus” season 2 episode 5 which was released in 2022. Simona Tabasco has shown nude boobs while she is having sex.

Simona Tabasco nude - The White Lotus s02e05 (2022) Simona Tabasco nude - The White Lotus s02e05 (2022) Simona Tabasco nude - The White Lotus s02e05 (2022) Simona Tabasco nude - The White Lotus s02e05 (2022) Simona Tabasco nude - The White Lotus s02e05 (2022) Simona Tabasco nude - The White Lotus s02e05 (2022)

Actress: Simona Tabasco
TV show: The White Lotus
Tags: nude, topless, sex


3 thought on “Simona Tabasco nude - The White Lotus s02e05 (2022)

  • lotus: 0 +1 -1

    simona i love you with all my dick

  • hornyfella: 1 +1 -1

    It's the "are you gonna cum for me" that does it for me. Imagine feeling her pussy and/or ass rubbing against your cock while she says that to you... Even if you're acting.....

  • Reasonable request: 1 +1 -1

    00:23 "R u gonna cum for me?" Yes! - However, a more realistic answer would be "Yes, take it all deep inside you!"

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