Maria Bello nude - The Cooler (2003)

Maria Bello in nude scene from The Cooler which was released in 2003. She shows us her tits and ass including full frontal nudity in sex scene.

Maria Bello nude - The Cooler (2003)Maria Bello nude - The Cooler (2003)Maria Bello nude - The Cooler (2003)

Actress: Maria Bello
Movies: The Cooler
Tags: topless, sex, butt, nude, full frontal


5 thought on “Maria Bello nude - The Cooler (2003)

  • BehindTheScene: 13 +1 -1

    The reason the movie originally got an NC-17 rating is because of the brief scene between characters portrayed by William H. Macy and Maria Bello showing a glimpse of Bello's pubic hair and implying that Macy performed cunnilingus on her. "I agree with my director that the reason that scene had to get cut was not about the pubic hair," said the actress. "The men I know who've seen it and who are not artists," she said, "are terrified of it, of that scene. And I think it's seeing my face having an orgasm - a real one, a complicated one - a woman deriving pleasure from [cunnilingus] is very scary for a lot of people." "It was actually Bill [Macy]'s idea," said Bello with a grin. She explained that during the filming, she, Macy and Kramer improvised the intense love scenes as they went along, asking each other, 'What does it look like?' when two people have sex for the first time, and then for a second time. It was for this second scene that, according to Bello, Macy proclaimed, "I think it's such an intimate thing for a man to go down on a woman." "That scared me," she said. "To be that open and exposed." Bello said it was the psychology that frightened her more than the prospect of actually filming. She and Macy were close, she said, careful to point out that they have children the same age.

  • Anonymous: -4 +1 -1

    Maria Bello has a beautiful ass

  • Oohyeah: -5 +1 -1


  • Anonymous: 0 +1 -1

    Fab clip makes you wanna see the rest of it

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