Margot Kidder nude - The Amityville Horror (1979)

Margot Kidder in nude scene from The Amityville Horror which was released in 1979. She shows us her tits.

Margot Kidder nude - The Amityville Horror (1979)Margot Kidder nude - The Amityville Horror (1979)Margot Kidder nude - The Amityville Horror (1979)

Actress: Margot Kidder
Movies: The Amityville Horror
Tags: topless, nude


3 thought on “Margot Kidder nude - The Amityville Horror (1979)

  • steve: 14 +1 -1

    Loved Margot Kidder as Lois Lane. Great actress with abundant beauty. She is Superman's Kryptonite just like she effects me

  • Lover: 3 +1 -1

    Margot mam so sweet and beautiful and kind , would have made love to her all night.

  • Lover: 3 +1 -1

    Love you Margot mam such Beauty should be cherished

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