Lena Headey nude - Game of Thrones s07e03 (2017)

Cersei Lannister has nude scene in Game of Thrones s07e03. But mostly likely Lena Headey uses body double here. Her tits looks much bigger than usual. After Walk of Shame we can`t trust her in nudity question.

Lena Headey nude - Game of Thrones s07e03 (2017) Lena Headey nude - Game of Thrones s07e03 (2017) Lena Headey nude - Game of Thrones s07e03 (2017) Lena Headey nude - Game of Thrones s07e03 (2017) Lena Headey nude - Game of Thrones s07e03 (2017)

Actress: Lena Headey
TV show: Game of Thrones
Tags: topless, butt, nude


4 thought on “Lena Headey nude - Game of Thrones s07e03 (2017)

  • Will: 39 +1 -1

    Not her unfortunately, but the body double has a great ass and tits

  • Ano: 3 +1 -1

    Such a waste.. she has amazing tits pointy and juicy

  • Anonymous: 7 +1 -1

    Absolutely stunning breast and ass really would love to have a taste of her feelings her nipples as well as her voluptuously beautiful ass

  • Anonymous: 0 +1 -1

    That explains the weird editing. But I don’t think Lena needs a body dubble. Her body is beautiful enough

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