Jennifer Lopez nude - U Turn (1997)

Jennifer Lopez in nude scene from U Turn which was released in 1997. She shows us her tits in sex scene.

Jennifer Lopez nude - U Turn (1997) Jennifer Lopez nude - U Turn (1997) Jennifer Lopez nude - U Turn (1997)

Actress: Jennifer Lopez
Movies: U Turn
Tags: topless, sex, nude


18 thought on “Jennifer Lopez nude - U Turn (1997)

  • DeXTeR: 84 +1 -1

    Jenifer is most sexi

  • Anonymous: 25 +1 -1


  • sexboy: -7 +1 -1


  • cyjl: 16 +1 -1

    not bad

  • my.dick.shard: 4 +1 -1

    why is it not english

  • Fuck: 12 +1 -1


  • Anonymous: 13 +1 -1

    If I was Jennifer Lopez and looked like the exact same I'd be sucking cock and I even would be on the top riding cock and enjoying every minute of it and loving the pay....

  • NudieFan: 25 +1 -1

    J Lo is hot, but it makes me sick thinking Sean Penn touched her.

  • Jennifer Lopez: 24 +1 -1

    That movie wasn’t too fun to film because I only like my partners having sex with me

  • Jay Lo's seducer: -13 +1 -1

    I want to see her pussy I mean I alr did coz we had sex together.pst kep it a secret

  • Face off: -8 +1 -1

    It's about drive, it's about poer

  • Horny rock: -3 +1 -1

    It's about drive its about power we stay hungry we devour put in the work put in the hours and take what's ours

  • Anonymous: 7 +1 -1

    I want to do that with u

  • Mushroom: -9 +1 -1

    Me and jeyLo once made love the whole night, she let me cum inside her several times , i was scared that we might of made a baby butshe purred seducingly that its alright as shes in safe period, so i came 2 more times inside her. Pst keep it a secret

  • Anonymous: -4 +1 -1

    Beuty full

  • Anonymous: 8 +1 -1

    If you see at 2:41, when she's fucking Powers Boothe, he gives her left boob a slap with his right hand, causes it to jiggle.

  • Anonymous: -10 +1 -1

    I fucked my sister like this

  • artful_pervert: -9 +1 -1

    Love watching sex and porn, but it disgusts me when people do it anywhere like animals in heat. Ew ! Just gross !!

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