Jennifer Connelly nude, Debra Cole nude - The Hot Spot (1990)

Jennifer Connelly nude, Debra Cole nude - The Hot Spot (1990) You have exceeded your video watching limit. Become a member to see more videos.

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Jennifer Connelly and Debra Cole Burge were seen both in the movie where Jennifer showed her beautiful body and Debra Cole also show her body`s glimpses and her beautiful figure in the clip. In the start of the clip, Jennifer Connelly was seen over the body of her male partner and was getting fucked on the bed and the guy was fucking her on missionary style also. They both enjoy having sex and then talk a bit being in each other`s arms while she suddenly stands up and walks from the bed wearing her top and leaves the guy behind.

In the further scenes of the clip, we also got to see Debra Cole showing her side boob and also getting fucked in the clip with her guy fucking her in missionary and side style sex position. Both of the girls named Jennifer Connelly and Debra Cole Burge looked sexy and hot in the clip taken from the movie named The Hot Spot which was released in the year 1990.

Jennifer Connelly nude, Debra Cole nude - The Hot Spot (1990) Jennifer Connelly nude, Debra Cole nude - The Hot Spot (1990) Jennifer Connelly nude, Debra Cole nude - The Hot Spot (1990)

Actress: Jennifer Connelly, Debra Cole
Movies: The Hot Spot
Tags: topless, butt, bush, nude, cleavage, bikini


9 thought on “Jennifer Connelly nude, Debra Cole nude - The Hot Spot (1990)

  • dickcowboy: 30 +1 -1

    almost see her pussy,damn

  • Bingo: -2 +1 -1

    What movie is this from?

  • Anonymous: 43 +1 -1

    Virginia Madsen and Jennifer Connelly had body doubles for the scenes where their characters are fully nude. In part of the skinny-dipping scene, Madsen was body doubled by Heather Cruikshank, who was working in a strip club when she was cast. Shelley Baker (who was the only other female stunt credited in the cast) was probably Connelly's double in the distant scene.

  • John: -40 +1 -1


  • Anonymous: -40 +1 -1

    Hahahahhahahah faker than fake.

  • Bossmovie: 8 +1 -1

    Amazing movie

  • Wow: 4 +1 -1

    Those tits.... Jenny was hotter than the sun fr.

  • Anonymous: -2 +1 -1

    for anyone who's wondering, sorry to ruin it for ya but that pussy isn't hers, it's a double's... she doesn't show up in any full nude scene for that matter, only in the topless ones

  • RAJ: 0 +1 -1


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