Heather Matarazzo nude, Monika Malacova nude - Hostel Part II (2007)

Heather Matarazzo in nude scene from Hostel Part II which was released in 2007. She shows us her tits and ass.
Also Monika Malacova naked in Hostel Part II. So Monika Malacova is not shy and she demonstrating her boobs and even full frontal nudity.

Heather Matarazzo nude, Monika Malacova nude - Hostel Part II (2007)Heather Matarazzo nude, Monika Malacova nude - Hostel Part II (2007)Heather Matarazzo nude, Monika Malacova nude - Hostel Part II (2007)

Actress: Heather Matarazzo, Monika Malacova
Movies: Hostel Part II
Tags: topless, butt, nude, full frontal


8 thought on “Heather Matarazzo nude, Monika Malacova nude - Hostel Part II (2007)

  • hombre: 4 +1 -1

    This is one fucking sick movie! I own 1 and 2 . This scene is hard to digest....

  • Jackoffo: 23 +1 -1

    Is it weird that I jerked off to this clip just now?

  • Nec: 2 +1 -1

    If you are A Necrophilie Hostel 2.Is A Great Movie to Watch

  • Haberdasherer: 4 +1 -1

    Fuck, I love that this is what Heather's career was reduced to. I hope she was paid adequately.

  • Mitchell L: 4 +1 -1

    I've lost track of how many times I've gotten off on this scene. Heather is sexy, and this scene is so brutal and erotic. Watching this sweet young woman dying in agony gets me every time.

  • DollhouseFan: 4 +1 -1

    The director was quite kind in not fully exposing Heather here—she was nude throughout the shoot, no modesty patch or anything else. Very rewarding to finally see her tits and abdomen and that excellent ass, though. She obviously worked out and got in shape before being put on display. Totally agree with Haberdasherer & Mitchell: her indie 15 minutes having long since dried up, she is reduced to taking a role where she is literal naked meat. And her reduction here is exquisitely, erotically done, with a hot build up and orgasmic finish. Bathory should have been wantonly pleasuring herself though—that final blood bath should have been with her legs spread. Can’t be topped unless Heather goes full Maitland.

  • Mitchell L: 1 +1 -1

    To DollhouseFan - I agree Heather got in great shape for this role. I think she has great legs too. The thought of Heather following Maitland Ward's career path just blows my mind! I'd love to see it.

  • BehindTheScene: 10 +1 -1

    Heather Matarazzo talked about the scene where her character Lorna is hanging upside down defenseless, completely naked, and she's crying out for her mom: "To get me ready, they had given me an inversion machine, and for every day for about a month and a half, I would use this inversion machine and hang upside down for two minutes at a time, then for three, then for four, and I eventually ended up getting it up to 20 minutes. That way on the days that we were shooting, they weren't going to have to take me down every five minutes, which cuts like 10 minutes into the schedule. And then imagine having to do that every five minutes? That scene would end up taking a week to shoot, and we had to shoot it in two days." "In terms of getting naked and having to show my body, I felt really lucky and grateful that everyone was incredibly respectful. The days we were shooting that, I had this pink robe on and I would get on the set and everybody's just very tense. You could hear a pin drop. There was this saying that I learned in Prague, and its a Czech saying that goes, 'Dobrý Den, Prsa Ven,' which means 'Good Day, Tits Out.'" "So, when I walked on the set for the first time, I could just feel the palpable tension in the room. I took off my pink robe and said in front of everybody, 'Dobrý Den, Prsa Ven,' everyone struggled for a second and they started laughing hysterically. That broke the tension and it broke the ice, and that was it. But the truth is, those two days of filming were a complete blur. I was hanging probably 15 feet up in the air, and the only thing that I have that's a safety precaution is that my feet are in these stirrups. Also, I have very small feet and very small ankles. At one point, Eli's asking me to wriggle around like a fish, so you're using your entire body to move, and I started to feel my feet start to slip out of the harness." "I had the gag in my mouth and I had those chains around my wrists, and I remember specifically thinking, 'I'm going to fall,' or, 'I'm going to die.' I calmly took the gag thing out of my mouth and I told them that my foot was slipping and it needed to be tighter. They brought me down and made it tighter, and everything was great. But from that moment on, that seed of fear was planted and I couldn't shake that feeling that I might die, which worked very, very well for that scene. And the result of that scene was that Hostel: Part II was banned in three countries." (IMDb)

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