Elodie Bouchez nude, Marina Fois nude - Happy Few (2010)

Elodie Bouchez in nude scene from Happy Few which was released in 2010. She shows us her tits and ass including full frontal nudity in explicit sex scene.
Also Marina Fois naked in Happy Few. We can see sex scene with her. So Marina Fois is not shy and she demonstrating her ass, boobs.

Elodie Bouchez nude, Marina Fois nude - Happy Few (2010)Elodie Bouchez nude, Marina Fois nude - Happy Few (2010)Elodie Bouchez nude, Marina Fois nude - Happy Few (2010)

Actress: Elodie Bouchez, Marina Fois
Movies: Happy Few
Tags: topless, sex, butt, nude, full frontal, explicit


7 thought on “Elodie Bouchez nude, Marina Fois nude - Happy Few (2010)

  • HOMBRE: 12 +1 -1

    Awesome Tits...

  • Ascojunior: 13 +1 -1


  • BehindTheScenes trivia: 10 +1 -1

    Director Antony Cordier said that before filming he agreed with Marina Foïs that in her love scenes, she would go all the way. "There are love scenes in cinema where you can see that the actors don't really want to, where finally you only film half of what should be filmed, you don't go all the way and it becomes very very embarrassing. If the actors go to the end, it is much less embarrassing for the spectator and we accept it much more in fact," Cordier said. "What's good about cinema is that we can try things we've never tried, like having sex with Nicolas Duvauchelle," Fois commented, adding that it wasn't a problem doing the scene that way because she is 'very interested in sex'. Duvauchelle, on his own part, said, "I do what I'm told, like an employee. A sex scene is purely physical, there's no motive to deliver, it's not complicated."

  • Alexander92: 7 +1 -1

    05:45/06:48 best part

  • Ally: 5 +1 -1

    Much attention has been given to the real sex scenes by Marina Fois. You can see how much Marina enjoyed fucking Nicolas Duvauchelle from her permanently erect nipples and the squelching noise from her soaking wet vagina as he thrusts into her. But her co-star Elodie Bouchez also has extensive nudity. Elodie lost weight in the period before the film, with the result that her mature, 37 year old breasts, are somewhat looser and saggier than they were in her early films, and great to see them flapping around as she walks about fully nude. Elodie has also kept her thick bush of black pubic hair around her genitals which must have been a pleasure for her co-star to eat out. We also get to see Elodie's hairy vulva in the final scene where she wierdly makes love in a flour mill, and you can also see her pleasure as she gets her anus rimmed and eaten out by lucky Nicolas, who must have had the dream job in making this film.

  • Camilo: -2 +1 -1

    They don't have real sex, on the pic 5:52 you can see that sex is just simulated as he is not in her otherwise in that scene you would need to see his erected penis in her.....

  • Slick Wilson: 1 +1 -1

    Lucky guy making love to marina she is one hot women !

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