Debora Falabella has nude scenes in the movie “Primo Basilio” which was released in 2007. She is demonstrating naked breasts, bush and full frontal nudity there. Also we can see sex with her.
If you want more scenes of Debora Falabela nude, including full frontal, I sugest and old movie of hers, "Dois Perdidos Numa Noite Suja". There are 2 or 3 scenes of her naked there. Also I believe she worked on "Cazuza" though I dont recall if she gets naked (lots of nudity on this movie, though)
If you want more scenes of Debora Falabela nude, including full frontal, I sugest and old movie of hers, "Dois Perdidos Numa Noite Suja". There are 2 or 3 scenes of her naked there. Also I believe she worked on "Cazuza" though I dont recall if she gets naked (lots of nudity on this movie, though)
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