Agnes Blanchot nude - La Petite Amie (1988)

Agnes Blanchot shows her nude tits and THEN shows off her bush in La Petite Amie (1988). The curly-haired chick with an eye-catching hairdo (it was the 80s, man) struts around naked with her Walkman or something. This scene shows how to actually do tasteful nudity in a movie. Enjoy watching this one.

Agnes Blanchot nude - La Petite Amie (1988) Agnes Blanchot nude - La Petite Amie (1988) Agnes Blanchot nude - La Petite Amie (1988) Agnes Blanchot nude - La Petite Amie (1988)

Actress: Agnes Blanchot
Movies: La Petite Amie
Tags: nude, full frontal, bush, topless


4 thought on “Agnes Blanchot nude - La Petite Amie (1988)

  • Anonymous: 0 +1 -1

    Fajna gówniara

  • Anonymous: 0 +1 -1

    Smarkula myślała że jest sama

  • s: 0 +1 -1

    les seins sont parfaits trop bonne mmmmmhhhh

  • Hairy Twatter: 0 +1 -1

    Fantastic titties and a gorgeous bush

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